Saturday, September 13, 2008

Namaste yoga

Recently, I have taken up Namaste yoga. I did so on doctor's orders and have been at it about 3 weeks now. And suprise, suprise, I'm really enjoying it, although I do still call it pain class sometimes. It's much harder than I ever thought it would be, or maybe I'm just old and stiff. LOL

So to enhance the relaxation part of my yoga class, I bought an eye pillow from Cathie over at Sweetwolf. It is made with flax seed and comes scented with lavender or unscented. Cathie says you can heat the eye pillow up in the microwave and the flax seed retain the heat really well which is great for when you have a migraine. I haven't tried heating it or freezing it yet, but the pillow itself was very soothing to me this morning when I was practicing my yoga.
My new eye pillow is so cute with little sleeping owls on it and it's very well made. Thanks Cathie!

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